wow what a day. tara arts, tate britain, sleep centre, first night at Richmond Drama School. whew.
always interesting to see how other people work, although tara arts don't really have anything in common with my work. Nonetheless, enjoyed seeing them, liked the chairs! Thanks Doug for organising.
Gothic Nightmares - amazing. Has really got me thinking about fantasy and fairy-tales, the virtual in terms of our imagination not just the internet. This was much closer to what i think of as fairy tale than the LePage thing. Need to read something clever on the subject of fairy-tale, any suggestions welcome!
Sleep centre - fascinating (well done Kirstie and thanks!). Ok so the guy was a bit of a prick, but I learnt something, a few things actually!
Nicholas Nickleby - well what can i say? the design-work was fantastic and the acting was not bad. No, seriously, I was thrilled with how it looked. Working with Kirstie is a dream, we both understand each others ideas completely and it makes the job so much easier and therefore more fun. So many positive comments about set and costume (especially costume, which came together so well) and I loved the way it worked together. Kirstie mentioned ed's painting which we used as the basis for the colour scheme, so i will use that as an excuse to show off his brilliant work (ok so i'm biased, but it is good!):

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