phew its over! so many issues and interesting bits 'n' bobs raised by it, what a worthwhile experience. hmmm... where to start, probably with the whole thing of me framing it as a 'workshop', which I did for my own comfort really (so i didn't have to call it a show). What I hadn't really considered was that the word workshop automatically assumes a higher level of interaction than i had imagined. i had thought of it as a workshop for ME, not everybody. But that's not to say that I didn't enjoy the level of involvement that actually occurred, although in the end i felt a bit jealous and protective over 'my' drawing, hmmm... that's interesting too...
It's taken me a few days to be able to really think about it rationally because it all became rather personal, which i hadn't altogether expected. There was one particular point when Ming re-wrote one of my own memories and handed it to me and it was a really nasty memory so it was quite hard to keep drawing with everyone watching and rich's puppet show going on behind me. I've had a couple of comments from those of you who made it to the workshop (thanks by the way, I was amazed by the turn-out!). I find it really odd when people say it was 'good', I can't imagine thinking about it qualitatively like that, I can only think about the list of things I got out of it. These comments (not all 'good', also 'f***ing odd' and 'very you') have rather taken me by surprise and made me realise just how selfish i was in the planning of the workshop - I hadn't expected anyone else to get anything out of it!! So, looking forward to getting feedback from all the VLP people soon, thank you all for coming and thank you to the wonderful Ming who kept it all moving and was generally amazing. Here's some pics:

Hey Cherry
Ah I had no idea that it was intended as more of a personal workshop, I thought that you wanted interaction and I guess things began to snowball when we all started playing with the texts and pictures (I myself would have never played around so much if I knew). In this respect some framing would have been good, a few simple instructions or asking ming to take an organising role so you could concentrate on drawing. I hope it didn't detract too much from what you wanted to achive.
I thought you created a playful dynamic between the 'live media' and performative drawing and would be interested to hear where you intend to take the work from here.
thanks rich,
don't think i'm complaining! I was really interested to see how it went - I fully intended it to be open-ended and I wouldn't have got half so much out of it if everyone had just sat back and watched!
you're absolutely right about the framing of it, but on the other hand I am glad it didn't go as i imagined, much more interesting that way.
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