still going!

am feeling really motivated at the moment, which is so great, have been waiting for this to kick in and am so relieved. Have been working on this model - although its not really a model, because its really an end in its own right, rather than a design tool. Not quite sure what it is, but i felt the need to somehow make real the spaces i have been moving through virtually... Also have been thinking about this film i started, and this whole liveness thing, am not quite sure where its going next but its definitely heading somewhere!
I loved the Simon Vincenzi talk, I thought he was fascinating, I wish i could climb inside his head for a day. I think it was that that really kicked off this sudden motivation. hmmmm...
The Andersen Project, on the other hand, i was rather disappointed by. I thought the imagery was a bit crappy, the use of space pretty unexciting and the content not particularly gripping, although it was semi-interesting to learn about hans christian andersen, having been a huge childhood fan. i cannot deny however that LePage's performance was very good indeed. would love to know if i missed the point somehow... Also the subtitles kept missing their cues which was really annoying!