the website is up:
still a few technical glitches to iron out and lots of info to add, but it's there, there are a few things to look at and after the easter weekend there will be a few more!
I have finished writing the text for my performance piece and now just have 10 days or so whilst the actors learn their lines. rehearsals begin the week before the exhibition. Was really worried as writing it has been a really stressful experience and i was too scared to show it to anyone before i gave it to the actors, but have had a really encouraging e-mail from Ming, which has cheered me up no end and got me all excited about it again.
Now am beginning to look at my research paper again. Am going to post my last draft on my website and would appreciate any comments etc. Have been looking recently at ways that people create web-based performances outside of the framework of 'art' or 'theatre' - such as, as well as ways in which the internet is used in conjunction with other technologies to create a more interactive/physical experience of cyber-performance - e.g. - a community news site which texts stories to your mobile and flash mob actions - All suggestions welcome.
Finally have been building these crazy little models for a bit of pocket money (last paid job before i become a full-time scrounger). They are so cute, had to post a picture:
1 comment:
Please, read "An Ordinary Black Cat" ( it will be your favourite book by far and you will quote from that book in almost every conversation. You can also take part in the Contest for image makers! Read the details in my blog or in my webpage.
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