Saturday is virtually sold out, but if you can possibly make it on wednesday thursday or friday nights please do! it's a great show, talented bunch of students and i am really proud of the design.
the story so far: at school i loved art and maths, so i decided that when i grew up i would be an aeronautical engineer so i could design planes. meanwhile, my brother got a train set for christmas and i got really excited about making all the little buildings for it. the aeroplane thing didn't really work out, i discovered i was terrified of flying when A-level physics failed to convince me that there is any logical explanation for why planes stay in the sky, so i had a rethink and plumped for architecture. i liked little tiny buildings and the big ones at least didn't fly. i did an art foundation 1st because i was too lazy to organise a gap year, then did my degree in architecture. the degree was fascinating. the job at the end was horrible. so i went to work in a restaurant. All the waiters were actors and they talked me into moving into theatre design. i did this for a few years and fell in love with theatre. then i had a bit of a nerdy moment and decided to do an MA so I could explore a virtual side to theatre. since then i have been making live art work which explores the juxtaposition of virtual and proximal space and their realisation through performance... phew