its full steam ahead on this exhibition, i have four actors and am really excited about it. the piece has become very site specific - the site itself is fantastic. there's been loads of issues to deal with in terms of organising the exhibition, but i think it is working itself out. I plan to get the website up and running this weekend: www.cherrytruluck.co.uk
Its been a stressful term as far as available money and time are concerned and i am really sorry that i haven't been able to support everyone else's work, but from now on I will be much better. I have taken a whacking great loan out (which i will no doubt regret later!) and from now until September will only be working one day a week except for the odd little bit of freelance work. Other than that i will be fully committed to the course and will be around a lot more. In September I will win the lottery and set up a grant-giving fund for poor MA students!
see you all at the TBW private view on Friday night.